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SUBMISSION DEADLINE: December 11, 2024 at 2:00 P.M.


 Mailing Address:

PO BOX 276

Ellensburg, WA 98926


Physical Address:

315 N Water St

Ellensburg, WA 98926


PURCHASING CONTACT: Kevin Eslinger, Assistant Manager


Phone: 509-925-6158


*Reference bid title in subject line of all emails.





The Kittitas Reclamation District (KRD) will receive sealed bids for the items and services listed herein. You are invited to submit a sealed bid, subject to the terms, conditions, instructions and specifications of this invitation to bid. Please read instructions and specifications carefully. Failure to comply with these instructions may disqualify your bid.


















Closed Bids

33-SBC-1008: South Branch Canal Improvements, Milepost 12.4 to Milepost 12.8


NOTICE: The Kittitas Reclamation District (“District”) hereby gives notice that it will accept sealed Bids for the construction of Project No. 33-SBC-1008, the South Branch Canal Improvements – 2024-25 Milepost 12.4 to Milepost 12.8 project (“Project”).


The District will receive sealed Bids at the location listed below until 2:00 p.m. local time on November 1, 2024 and will then and there open and publicly read the Bids for the construction of the improvements.


Kittitas Reclamation District
315 North Water Street       
Ellensburg, Washington 98926


Bid improvements consist of open channel canal replacement with large diameter pipeline, road improvements, drainage, earthwork and other work, all in accordance with the contract plans, the contract provisions, and the specifications. The improvements are for construction of water conservation and operational improvements to the KRD system. Requested work follows the existing South Branch Canal alignment starting downstream of the existing pipeline to open channel canal transition at Station 655+09 (MP12.4).  


The Project has been divided into a Base Reach and an Optional Reach. It is the District’s desire to improve the remaining reaches of the canal between Robinson Creek and Manastash Creek. Pricing of a reach extension is requested for potential optional award at the discretion of KRD. Total bonding capacity for all reaches if options are awarded is estimated at $7.5 million to $8.5 million.


The base bid improvements in the Bidding Documents are for extension of pipeline replacement of existing open channel canal from the existing steel reinforced HDPE pipe transition at Station 655+09 (MP12.4) and extends for 2,085 feet to Station 675+94 (MP12.8).


The optional bid improvements in these documents are for pipeline and roadway improvements of existing open channel described as work related to canal improvements for 4,314 feet between Station 675+94 (MP12.8) and Station 719+08 (MP13.6). Optional award will depend on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, grant funding award, weather, cost, Contractors work plan, demonstrated productivity on base bid reach, and the anticipated start of the 2025 irrigation seasons on or about the first week of April. This optional pricing will not be factored into evaluation of apparent low bidder.


Plans, specifications, and Bidding Documents are only available electronically on the District website ( beginning October 4, 2024.


Bidding Documents are for the purpose of obtaining bids for the Work. No authorization or conference of license is granted by District issuance of the Bidding Documents. Bidders are solely responsible for the cost of preparing their Bids. The District specifically reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any or all Bids or re-Bids or to waive inconsequential deviations from Bid requirements not involving time, price, or work quality.


A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at 9 A.M. local time on October 16, 2024, beginning at the District office, 315 North Water Street, Ellensburg, Washington 98926. Bidders are required to attend and participate in the conference or independently scheduled site visit prior to submitting a bid. For bidders unable to attend the scheduled pre-bid conference, contact the District to schedule access to the site to view existing conditions. Any questions stemming from site visits will need to be submitted for public response through the District bid information posting process.




For general project questions:


Bob Main

Project Supervisor


Cell: (509) 929-5012

For project technical questions:


David Allison
Project Engineer

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.


Phone: (425) 233-3051

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